Quotes with meaning

I was just reading another blog I follow. https://wordpress.com/read/blog/id/67160090/
silver threading.com    and, of course, the daily (w)rite.      wordpress.com/read/blog/id/2456293/  
They spoke of quotes and how they inspire or uninspire a person.
So I thought I would like to share 2 of the ones I really do like. 

 “Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It is not something you learn in school.

But if you haven’t learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven’t learned anything”
Muhammad Ali
Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, the arts…
It has no survival value, rather it is one of those things which give value to survival”
C.S. Lewis

My new( ish) keep chin up) quote

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said,

people will forget what you did,

but people will never forget how you made them feel. “

Maya Angelou.

The first time I saw this lady, she was speaking to Oprah. I found some of her thoughts and words inspiring yet, at the time could not make any of them work for me.

I appreciate she was honored by Barack Obama and lauded as a legend in history.   I just cannot quite get to grips with a lot of her work. BUT this one I do get. 

 I now remember my dad saying something similar. I, also, used to use it to motivate my workmates. Without even realising i was.  

 BUT It is true and now, even though i have my ‘down days’ i am trying to use it to be that little bit more positive toward me and mankind. 

So give it a go and see how it turns out.

Food by Louise Kelly for Second BIte competition

Here is my second poem that I submitted to the Second Bite competition earlier this year. 
For thought!    
Or is It?
But what kind of thought?
Leave it alone or pick at bit by bit
Good, Bad, Evil,misguided, delicious, sensual, dimensional
pictures, letters,numbers, signs
all unspoken
Bursting forth from creatures minds.
Food is:
For nourishment
Sates the appetite
Good for your health
or wealth
Melange’ of chemicals, vitamins, minerals used to keep us alive
feeding and individual’s spirit or soul wanting to survive.
Food can be and is:
A staple
Multi cultural
Diversified –       in flavors, textures, shapes and styles.
The one common denominator that every living creature 
Louise Kelly 2014

New version of olde poem.

I was looking for another document when I came upon my original notes for my novels, some very deep thoughts (at a time of crisis) and poems. Here is one:
Sitting, upright tucked in bed with three pillows at my back.
I write, choosing my words to send to you down this electronic track.
Whence are you today?
The office?
The road, or up on top of mountain range?
Since we met how has your life changed?
Have you ever-once- thought of us?
That undeniable moment; of life changing lust
How lightning sparked jagged and struck us blind
Eyes lock deep as you smile – soft, sensuous, gentle and kind
Emotions eddy spin, snap, twirl and converge
My heart split open; with a powerful surge.
How your strong warm fingers caressed my hand
Enigmatic, words unspoken resonated around
As palms collide
talking, meeting as they shook
Deep into each others souls our eyes did look
Languidly you reached out
and touched my hair
Momentarily letting it lay there.
I sense your fingers casually caress my skin
charging sexual desire lain unbridled within.
The mind picture is as real,
as surreal
Louise Kelly 2010.

The Last Post

Here is another poem, that I am really proud to have written. It was for a competition, last year where the theme had to have some type of rural influence.   The poem signifies that no matter what some things weather all storms; i guess that could be summed up as my life also.

It is one of the last things i spoke to my dad about.




Decaying awayThe last post

Miniscule animals reside within


This age foretold by deep blackening rings

A small crack here, larger one there

Outer bark split

To breathe in the changing air

Sentry of the surrounding land

Sculptured by weathered hands

Originally they called you RED

Unlike fellow sentries, whom decomposed or dead.

Handcuffed together -you have broken free

Reminders lay rusting amongst the weeds

Large burls bleed waxy sap, crystallised tears

For a youth lost, time ago, some eighty years.

Warm gritty brackish red soil mounds at your neck

A lone brown hawk glides low

Dipping of a wing

Salutes – you in a sign of respect


Oh! The battles you and Mother Nature have fought

Doggedly resisting her dust, heat, rain and lightning storms

Stratos, Cumulus puff up high, merge with nimbus to forewarn

A new battle arrives in pitch of night; before the new dawn

Worriedly, terrified your tenants scurry into your womb

As the air begins to sing an eerie tune

Crescendos whispers, howling to the lost moon

Brace yourself – Mother Nature will be here soon.

A thousand hooves pound the earth

The howling wind carries a farmers’ curse

Echoing louder as terrified cattle scatter past you

Crescendo climatic intensifying volume

Thunder rumbles across the jet black ominous sky

Shaking the land from way up high

Banshees’ screech as the air trumpets her arrival tune

Spikes of lightning bright, vivid in their paths everything electrifies

Oh well! One more battle with her – this time you may die.

Cerise shafts of warm sun whisper a new day

Mother Nature and her storm chased far away

Standing stoically-a little bit more, battle worn

At the base a small piece of bark has been torn.

All others gone splintered; split, thrashed and shred

You now stand alone as warm summer sun shines upon your head.

Second Bite

I enter literary competitions when i find ones I like. Some are so strict it tends to put me off trying. Anyway here is a poem I wrote for a food charity called SECOND BITE.  It is a food bank that gathers extra / leftover food and goods to redistribute to the food vans on our streets or for mainstream charities.


For thought
For the mind
The soul
Eaten -With hands
Fork, knife or spoon
Food can be philosophical, spiritual, excessive, salivating, sweet, sour, acidic or alkaline
It is the one thing man relies upon
Yet has no knowledge of where it came from.


Pink – is the colour of spiritual things

It shimmers forth from beyond horizon of a new day sky

Adding lustre to the evening sunsets, its colour sings

It signals every moment of when we live, laugh or even cry


Exclamations of love; it is soft, sedate, and sensitive

Soft baby, coral, petunia, cerise, lollypop and fairy floss Never hard to touch –    

just oh so soft.

Where would flowers and gardens be?

If pink were not there to make them live

Pink is spiritual, soulful and mediative


Green – a poem

 Green –     is the ever changing colour of leaves

Green –     is grass, limes, creatures, pears, apples and kiwis

From pale, lawn, olive, verdant, sapphire, sea deep

Tea that is relaxes and sends one to sleep

Green – is a sheen that calms our minds and soul

For green is never used to describe a hole

It is the movement of nature and all its glory

It sets the tone for everything else

Green is the colour of life’s’ story.

Louise Kelly